What are HHC and CBD gummies?

Les gummies HHC et CBD c’est quoi ?

To consume CBD, it is put in several forms. There is the oil form, the leaf form, the cream form, the e-liquid form, the gummies form, etc. In this article, we give you more details about HHC and CBD gummies.

What are HHC gummies?

HHC is a compound found naturally in cannabis. However, the molecule is present in very fine quantities in the plant. So, to increase the quantity, the product is synthesized in the laboratory. It is therefore obtained by hydrogenation of the THC molecule also contained in cannabis. THC being a molecule banned in Belgium, Dr. Kush uses another method to synthesize HHC. The company actually uses CBD. Thus, the HHC sold by Dr.Kush Belgium is legal, because it does not contain HHC.

Now back to the HHC gummies. HHC gummies are one of the food supplements containing cannabis products. It is a type of dietary supplement made from plants, including cannabis, that are designed to improve health and well-being.

HHC gummies are made from a unique blend of natural ingredients. This blend includes plant extracts (HHC), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. HHC gummies come in a variety of flavors, including strawberry, raspberry and lemon.

HHC gummies are designed to provide extra nutrition to those who need it. They are also formulated to promote optimal absorption of nutrients by the body. HHC gummies contain various essential nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, magnesium and iron. They can help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can occur if the diet is too low in these nutrient components.

The benefits of HHC gummies

HHC gummies may be helpful in preventing certain types of lifestyle diseases. For example, they contain antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage from free radicals. They also help protect the body against cardiovascular disease and cancer by preventing consumers from staying under stress for too long.

Additionally, HHC gummies may be helpful in improving sleep and mental focus. With their vitamin B6 content, gummies help regulate the body's biological clock and reduce anxiety. Additionally, they also contain compounds such as melatonin, which is a natural neurotransmitter that helps induce deep, restful sleep.

Finally, HHC gummies are beneficial for mental health, because they allow you to sleep peacefully and forget your worries. HHC gummies are available in several forms and have varied benefits for the body.

What to know about CBD gummies?

CBD gummies are sweet-tasting treats that contain cannabidiol (CBD). These little candies have become very popular in recent years. The popularity of CBD gummies is due to the fact that they allow you to enjoy the benefits of CBD without having to buy vapes or think about other methods of consumption. Just like tablets, CBD gummies are easy to take.


CBD or cannabidiol does not produce psychoactive effects unlike THC. CBD gummies are made from pure CBD extract and therefore contain only CBD without any trace of THC. This means that they do not produce psychoactive effects and do not present any risks associated with the use of cannabis (specifically THC).

CBD gummies are available in varying concentrations. The lowest or highest concentrations can be found in stores and online.

The benefits of CBD gummies

CBD gummies may offer various benefits for physical and mental health and well-being. One of the main benefits is the reduction of symptoms associated with various neurological and inflammatory disorders, including anxiety, depression, inflammation and chronic pain.

In general, all the benefits provided by CBD are also provided by CBD gummies. The form in which CBD is found therefore has no influence on its effects. So, if you want to take CBD, you can opt for the gummies or candy form.

Other forms in which to consume CBD and HHC

Aside from gummies, there are several other forms in which you can find CBD and HHC. Choosing one or the other shape will depend on your needs.

Concretely, the forms closest to gummies are capsules and capsules. They come in the same form and may contain CBD or HHC. Consuming this product is as simple as gummies.

CBD flowers are also forms in which you can find CBD. However, it is not possible to find HHC in flower form since it is naturally present in small quantities (explained above). With CBD flowers, consumption becomes more complex, as more complex methods must be used: infusion, vaporization, etc. So, this form in which CBD comes is more difficult to consume than that of gummies.

CBD and HHC oils are also easy to consume. Some consume them sublingually, while others prefer to use them in meals. CBD/HHC also intervenes in the field of cosmetics with different products such as CBD creams, CBD balms, CBD soaps.

In conclusion, we can say that CBD gummies provide consumers with a variety of health and wellness benefits. CBD gummies are easy to take and incorporate into your daily routine. They are also safe and harmless, as they do not contain any chemicals or synthetic additives. Finally, CBD gummies are a great way to access the benefits of CBD without the need to smoke or vape. Consumers can therefore rest assured that they are getting quality products and enjoying all the benefits that CBD offers. To benefit from the best gummies, you can shop in the Dr. Kush CBD Shop or in its physical stores available in Brussels.

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