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Le H4CBD : en quoi est-il différent du HHC ?

H4CBD: how is it different from HHC?

The cannabinoid market is booming. New synthetic and natural cannabinoids appear every year. After CBD, CBD and HHC, it is H4CBD’s turn to gain popularity. Just like CBD and unlike THC and HHC, thi...

Quelle est la différence entre le H4CBD et le CBD ?

What is the difference between H4CBD and CBD?

CBD, a molecule derived from the cannabis leaf, has become very popular in recent years in the wellness sector. It owes its popularity to its many health benefits. H4CBD is a new form of cannabidi...

Quelle est la réglementation du H4CBD ?

What are the regulations for H4CBD?

Today, hexahydrocannabinol (H4CBD) is becoming more and more popular. It represents a perfect alternative to THC and is attracting interest from several companies and consumers. However, to benefi...

Quels sont les effets du H4CBD dans l’organisme ?

What are the effects of H4CBD in the body?

New alternative compound to cannabidiol, H4CBD presents itself as a synthetic form of it. Its development aims to optimize the bioavailability and stability of the original compound. This means th...

Vaporisateur : à herbe séchées, d’e-liquide et de cbd concentrés quelle est la différence ?

Vaporizer: dried herb, e-liquid and concentrated CBD what is the difference?

To consume CBD, it is possible to go through several methods. Vaporization is one of them. It is possible to vaporize concentrate or dry herbs. These vaporization methods use different devices. Fin...

Où acheter de la Beuh ou de la Weed ?

Where to buy Weed?

Do you want to buy weed or weed? There are many online CBD Shops and physical CBD Shops where you can shop. So, read this article to see our proposal for where to buy CBD. Weed or Weed, what is...